The Power of Canine Hydrotherapy: Restoring Vitality Through Water
Hydrotherapy or 'water therapy' has long been known for its healing powers. Water helps the body to feel weightless and buoyant while providing a natural resistance to movement making it a perfect medium for rehabilitation and fitness training.
Hydrotherapy can help tone muscles, increase range of motion, ease arthritic pain, improve joint flexibility, relieve muscle spasms, decrease inflammation, facilitate low-impact exercise to support weight loss and speed recovery from injuries allowing exercise to begin sooner than on land.
Being in water can also improve emotional and mental health both for humans as well as animals. It can decrease anxiety and exercise therapy in warm water can remind our pet’s body that it was healthy and strong, giving them confidence to return to their normal activities.

There are many benefits to be had by the canine patient from underwater treadmill therapy. These include:
• Ease of movement of painful or healing structures
• Improved weight bearing
• Gait- re-education following spinal or neurological injury or disease
• Prevention of muscle atrophy
• Accelerated muscle strengthening
• Faster return to previous function following injury or surgery
• Improved joint range of motion
• Balance re-training
• Maintaining and prolonging mobility in senior pets
• Conditioning for sport and show ring
• Weight loss
What’s the difference between underwater treadmill and swimming?We provide a state-of-the-art underwater treadmill. While swimming can be a good cardiovascular workout and helps to increase the overall burn of calories, it is very difficult to modify and control swimming as an exercise in general. As a result, it’s challenging to use swimming for broad-scale rehabilitation. An underwater treadmill allows the therapist to assess and assist the patient when required.
Do I need a veterinary referral?We recommend to always check with your veterinary practitioner before commencing hydrotherapy and any post surgical or musculoskeletal conditions will require a referral. For any general problems such as weight loss, arthritis, mobility in senior dogs or conditioning, a referral is not required but please discuss with us prior.
What do I need to bring?We supply some tasty treats but if your dog has any dietary requirements or has a favourite snack or toy, please bring them with you. We also recommend bringing a towel for the way home. We will towel dry your dog after each session but some dogs with thick or long fur may hold extra water. Always have your dog on a lead or harness that you don’t mind getting wet! Please do not exercise your dog before your session but toileting is a must!
What if my dog doesn’t like water?Unlike swimming in open water, an underwater treadmill is a lot less confronting. Even so, our experienced hydrotherapists at Sea Wolf understand that some patients might need a little more time or support than your Portuguese Water Dog! We use proven techniques and positive encouragement to make the most of your session and most dogs can’t wait to come back!
What conditions are suitable for hydrotherapy?Orthopedic Cruciate surgery or injury Medial patella luxation surgery or conservative management Elbow dysplasia- conservative management, post-surgical management, arthritis management Hip dysplasia- conservative management, post-surgical management, arthritis management Shoulder instability Fracture repair Arthritis Spondylosis Polyarthritis Limb amputation Ligament repair Arthrodesis Senior pets with weakness, poor mobility Neurological IVDD- surgical or conservative management FCE Degenerative myelopathy Polyradiculoneuritis Polyneuropathy Wobblers Degenerative neurological conditions Brachial plexus injury
Conditions that are NOT suitable for hydrotherapy:Not all conditions are safe for hydrotherapy. Please consult with your veterinary practitioner for a referral and discuss with us prior to booking an appointment for any of the following: Infections or contagious conditions such as kennel cough, ear, eye or skin infections or gastric upsets A bitch in heat Open wounds Some heart or respiratory conditions Vestibular syndrome Moderate to severe epilepsy